Button Savior Non Root talk back issue with Samsung devices


Follow @jerryfan2000

Button Savior non root requires Accessibility Service to run. However, there are reports from users with Note2 and GS3 saying their devices unexpectedly read opening folder/closing folder when Button Savior Non Root is installed. I spent some times to fix it and found out it is actually a bug in current Samsung ROMs. To workaround with it, you need to go to settings/manage app/all and find (Google Text To Speech and Samsung Text To Speech). Click into them and disable both. This is the only solution to solve this issue at this moment.

Literally, if you use any third party apps using requiring Accessibility Service, you will also get this problem. So it is not just happen on Button Savior. If you still get voice feedback after following above steps, please let me know. Thanks.

Button Savior Non Root V1.1a Release Note


Follow @jerryfan2000

I have fixed compatibility issue with Galaxy S3 and Note 2 in this version. In addition, warning sign about accessibility not turned on in main setting window is also fixed. Feel free to mail me problem if you found one. this app is still very new and requires your help to make sure its stability. Thanks in advanced.

Button Savior now supports no root device

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Finally there is a version of Button Savior that doesn’t require root to run. However, it supports 4.1+ only. So if you are using Button Savior and is also using 4.1+, then you can give it a try. Come here to download or search for ‘Button Savior non root’ on Playstore. However, since the is first release, so bug may occur. So if you happen to catch one, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Thanks,