Problem in Smart Taskbar 1.2.9b


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Smart Taskbar gets more and more crash from out of memory error after more and more powerful Android phones available to Market. Before, it is impossible to install hundreds of apps and there was no 720P screen. So I copied codes and optimization from ICS launcher to improve how Smart Taskbar handles app icons and memory. I believe there will be less crash from out of memory after this update. So generally, this minor revision only addresses,

(1) Fixed out of memory error
(2) Some minor bug fixs

Button Savior V1.6.2 Release Note


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I changed the way recent task is invoked in this version. If you were unable to use Task button, then this time it should work. But it is just an experimental attempt on ICS. It is confirmed to work on Jelly Bean.  So if you use ICS and it doesn’t work but was working, please tell me. Thanks.